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The Floating Schools

Diane Warren

Mar 15, 2023

Floating schools are exactly what the name suggests - they are schools floating on water, typically on a boat.


Floating schools are exactly what the name suggests - they are schools floating on water, typically on a boat.

Why do floating schools exist?

They are essential because they provide a year-round education in regions where there is a rainy season and floods interrupt the school year for the most vulnerable children. They also exist in regions where people move for economic reasons. They are popular in places like Nigeria, Bangladesh (monsoons) and Colombia. Most of the floating schools are single-staff and multi-grade. These schools allow children who are mobile to attend school. Schools built on stilts (pilings) on land are permanent structures and are left without enrollment (enrollment) by the movement of families. Both the Departmental Supervision of Education and the parents make the decision to move the schools to avoid the existence of school-age children who are not receiving systematic education.

The famous saying (saying): "If Muhammad (prophet and founder of Islam) does not go to the mountain, the mountain goes to Muhammad" sums it up. That is to say, these schools follow the children so that they are educated. There was a challenge that certain children could not receive a year-round education for various reasons and it was solved with this idea of ​​floating schools. Education is essential if people want to improve themselves and enjoy a life full of opportunities.

Photos of floating schools that exist in regions around the world where there are rainy seasons that interrupt the school year.

The Uros Floating Islands of Peru – Here people live in remote areas – floating islands made of totora reeds. You can watch this video to learn a little more about how schools operate.

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